- SAVE OUR PLANET> The meat industry is producing excessive amounts of greenhouse gases & pollution. Fossil fuel...It takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of beef protein; 35 calories for 1 calorie of pork; 22 calories for 1 of poultry; but just 1 calorie of fossil fuel for 1 calorie of soybeans. By eating plant foods instead of animal foods, we'll help conserve our non-renewable sources of energy. We will have to all become vegetarians sooner or later. Exhausted soils and scarcity of water will force the world to adopt a vegetarian diet. Get used to it now!.
- SAVE OUR WATER> It takes one hundred times more water to produce a pound of beef than a pound of wheat. We have a growing world shortage of fresh water. We are using it up faster than nature can provide it. You can play your part in saving precious water by adopting a vegetarian diet.
- SAVE OUR TREES> It is not logging that is forcing the destruction of the rain forest. The land is being cleared for cattle ranching or crops for cattle feed. After a few years the land is nutritionally used up and desertification begins
- SAVE OUR ANIMALS> It's unbelievable the amount of pain and suffering an animal goes through in order to get on your plate! Animals are amazing creatures and should be treated as such. Aren't wings suppose to symbolize Freedom? It kills me that I was not brought aware of this sooner. Here's a video provided by PETA about the meat industry's torture.. If you can watch without a single tear, I will be impressed! But to be honest with you, I could NOT watch the complete video.
- SICK AMERICANS> The USDA allows farmers to leave their livestock untreated when illnesses arise such as cancer or tumors. So the meat we ingest is most likely that of a diseased animal. The majority of animals raised for feed and intended for slaughter are injured and dying due to the unhealthy, filthy, crammed and confined spaces of which they are raised. Mad cow disease is not only isolated to other countries! Oh and Chicken.. All packaged chicken has traces of POOP on it! Sorry but I am not going to sugar coat it for you... We're eating SHIT & CANCER people! Isn't just that enough for you to put the meat aside? Not to mention the antibiotics and steriods that are pumped into these creatures, not for treatment of illness but for rapid growth and less feed consumption. This is what is going into our bodies. This is what we feed our children! I don't know about you but I say, "NO MORE! HELL NO!" Dead Flesh has been linked to many diseases from heart disease and cancer to artritis, diabetes, acne & obesity to name a few. Vegetarians are proven to be healthier and live longer! Hey I have an idea... when you get mad at someone, instead of saying, " oh eat shit & die!" Just hand them a piece of meat! HA!
- CANCER STICK? HOW ABOUT CANCER FLESH> As I make myself more aware of the many dangers of meat, I feel more and more quilty. And here is why... Here I've been on my husbands ass to quit smoking so that he's healthier not only for himself but so that he doesn't cheat our daughter out of not having a father in her life if, god forbid, he got an illness from his bad smoking habit. But little did I know that eating meat is just as toxic as I've mentioned above. So we just can't afford to eat meat... And I do not mean financially. I mean that I can't afford for us to eat meat because OUR life depends on it! I choose health. I choose life. So many people are GREEN (which I am all for of course!)but what good is going "Green" if we're nor going to be around to enjoy it?
- YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT> One largely contributing reason for becoming Vegetarian is the saying, "You are what you eat." Think about it for a second... "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"... Get it? Eat healthy and you are healthy, Right? Ohhh Chicken , Lean beef and Lean turkey is so healthy for you, Correct? Hello?....! That's dead flesh that you're consuming! Dead flesh contains all sorts of diseas treatening Ingest DEATH and you shall emit DEATH!
- HUG A FURRY CREATURE> I love animals. I'm not cruel to animals in any way shape or form... Heck, I use to attract strays,bring them home and keep them forever. I would even stay up with the pregnant ones and lay next to them while in labor just to make sure everything went ok. Now my parents were'nt always happy about all the "pets" but I still did it. I nursed my childhood cat back to health from a serious injury when noone even thought he'd survive. I am totally against hunting. I don't even associate with "hunters." So what am I doing eating meat?! All the yrs of rescuing and caring for animals was contradicted everytime I chewed their flesh! It never dawned on me what I was doing but at least I am aware now. Better late than never right!
WEIGHT LOSS> I started on Oct. 5, 2009. Today is Oct. 8th. That's 3 days and I've lost 5 whole lbs already! That's crazy right! All those ribs and chili rubbed steaks and chopped Pork sandwhiches may have been doing my palette a favor at the time but wasn't doing my bodies health any favors in the end.
MOOD> So far I've noticed a drastic change of mood. For the better that is! I'm suddenly Optimistic. Which, if you knew me, is not a common characteristic of mine. I'm thinking positive and feeling positive!
ENERGY> I have a one yr old that just does not know how to sleep. So energy is a major shortage of mine. But Since I have this new veg/fruit intake, I have a major increase in the Energy department. There's an actual skip in my step. My morning and evening walks have been just that.. walks. But now I actually jog them! In the mornings I am ready to go, whereas before it would take me a minute or two to awaken.
SEEING COLORS> I do not want this to sound cheesey in any way but I will try to describe this as best possible. I feel better all around. I see things better and clearer. By that I mean colors are vivid. This may be relative to the new positivity in my life but seriously people... You've got to get on this drug of life! It's colorful, no pun intended!
LIGHTER THAN AIR> I feel light. I don't mean weight wise either. I mean I actually feel lighter inside. The heaviness and thickness of meat must've consumed my entire body. I can actually feel "healthy" taking over!
CHOCO CRAZY> I dunno whats going on but I think that I substituted MEAT with Chocolate. Anything Chocolate is miraculously finding its way into my mouth! It so bad that when I took my lil' one jogging in the stroller the other day, I brought M&M's with me! What THA!?! So you can say that the weight loss that I mentioned in the first few days... YEP.. At a stand still. I gotta work on that.
TAUNTING OLD HABITS> I've actually have not wanted meat at all. No cravings for it or anything, which I am very grateful for as it has made new vegetarianism easy. Even looking at meat cooking on stove (hubby is still meat eater) is repulsive to me. Plus its been pretty fun coming up with new meatless dishes. I have a couple great ones so far that I will post. BUT.... This weekend is my Hubbys birthday celebration and he chose our favorite restuarant! Now at this restuarant is the worlds best steak! BEST I SAY! We've never even had anything else on the menu because these steaks are like butter. He said it's going to be my biggest test.. I will let ya know how it goes! Be strong... Be healthy Hollie!
ENERGY REMAINS> I continue to experience the same great things as in the first 3 days but mostly energy. Something a mom definitely needs.
BYE BYE HEADACHES> I don't know if this is relative to giving up meat but I use to get headaches on a dailey basis. Pretty darn bad too! But I've noticed a significated reduction of headpain.
TO VEGAN OR NOT TO VEGAN?> I keep contemplating the whole Vegan thing. Should I? Can I? Could I? I already don't "drink" milk but I do eat lots of things, that I LOVE might I add, that contains eggs and milk. Do I wanna give up dairy? Well YES.. but Could I... Well I don't think so. I need to get past the Vegetarian transformation first then consider Veganism. I love bread. LOVE IT! I love milk choc! I love Desserts! Yes, there are products for Vegans but that shopping experience sucks! I have to have two separate shopping list and cook separately for me & my hubb.

Lowfat & can't even tell the difference!
1 or 2 pkgs of Morning Star Grilled Veggie Crumbles
1-2 Tsp of Garlic powder
1 pkg of Chili Seasoning ( in Seasoning isle)
1 1/2 Cups of Sauteed chopped Onion ( Sauteed in a little bit of spray Pam)
1 1/2 Cups of Sauteed Green Bell Pepper
1 - 28 oz Can of Diced tomatoes
3/4 Cup of Mexican Shredded Cheese
1 tbsp of Flour mixed w/ 3/4 C of water
1 Can of Corn (Not drained)
1 Can of Kidney Beans (Not Drained)
1 Can of Black Beans (Not Drained)
1 Can of Pinto Beans (not Drained)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Optional: Sour Cream, Addt'l Cheese topping, Avacado slices, Cilantro, Cornbread for a side